This section contains The Center's semi-annual research briefs, which are designed to help educators and policy makers understand new findings from school improvement research and practice.
The Center's Research Briefs
- The Past, Present, and Future of
Comprehensive School Reform: Despite the growing evidence base supporting CSR, the program was discontinued by the federal government in 2007. Now, six years after the 2003 meta-analysis, the study’s lead author, Geoffrey Borman, Ph.D., revisits the results and interprets how the policy and research landscape has evolved over the years. (2009)
- A Road Map for Mathematics Achievement for All Students: What can we learn from the National Mathematics Panel Report that can
to improve mathematics achievement among American students? (2009)
Also available in PDF format.
- Early Warning Systems that Support Students at Risk of Dropping Out of High School: Looking at factors predicting graduation,
including course
failure, grade point average, and absences, what other
can influence graduation for at-risk students? (2008)
Also available in PDF format.
- Writing Next: What does research indicate concerning specific teaching techniques that will help adolescent students develop necessary writing skills? (2007) Also available in PDF format.
- The Teacher Support Program: How can we build upon the research concerning supporting special education teachers in the field to increase retention, relieve stress, and advance the profession? (2007)
- Characteristics of Improved School Districts: What are the factors that can improve school districts? (2006)
- Practices That Support Data Use in Urban High Schools: What factors have had an impact on the use of student performance data in low-performing urban high schools? (2006)
- High-Achieving Middle Schools for Latino Students in Poverty: What are the characteristics of middle schools in which Latino students from low-income families make substantial achievement gains? (2005)
- What does the Research tell us about Teacher Leadership? (2005)