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The Center sponsored events that were audiotaped, videotaped, or conducted over the Web as webcasts.


Photo of Webcast panel

Successful School Turnarounds: Seven Steps for District Leaders
This webcast was presented by Julie Kowal of Public Impact.

Start at the Top: How Central Office Reform Is Improving Student Achievement
This webcast is part of a series focused on stimulating change to create an education system that works for all learners. The webcast features Superintendent of the Year Beverly Hall and the successes of central office reform in the Atlanta Public Schools.

Beyond Slices of Pizza: Teaching Fractions Effectively
This webcast showcases best practices when it comes to the teaching of fractions. How do teachers and school district personnel ensure deep "conceptual and procedural knowledge of fractions," as stated by the national math panel report? The webcast's panel — which provided perspectives from the classroom, school district, and the national math panel — answered questions from the viewing audience.

Making Algebra Work: Instructional Strategies that Deepen Student Understanding
This webcast focuses on the need for challenging mathematics courses—especially algebra—and mathematics instructional strategies to help students learn.

Systems Thinking in Practice: How a Superintendent and Two Districts Applied a Model of Systems Thinking for Increased Student Achievement
This webcast provides insights from video interviews of school and district staff who worked alongside Mike Miles to apply the Systems Thinking model.

Two free web seminars, titled Successful Strategies for Sustained School Improvement, demonstrate how two principals worked collaboratively with their staff to sustain school reform and to increase student achievement. The first seminar featured Deborah Hoffman, principal of Franklin Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin, and the second seminar featured Kevin Brooks, principal of Dower Elementary School in Lakewood, Washington.

Audio Webcasts

The Center has developed a series of professional development Web and audio segments which focus on developing a better understanding of the scientific movement in education to improve learning. Entitled Harnessing the Scientific Spirit to Improve Learning, the series discusses using scientifically based research and assessments to increase student achievement.

You may listen to the audio segments online while viewing supplementary text, or you may download the audio files to a portable audio player.