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Tools for Evaluating School Progress Print E-mail
Evaluating for Success, 1999
This guidebook from the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) outlines the design and process of evaluating a federal CSR initiative, but can be used for any school conducting a program evaluation. Topics addressed include implementation, evaluation logistics, barriers to gathering and using data and the type of data schools and districts should consider when they assess their reform efforts. Worksheets are incorporated in each chapter.

Evaluating Whole School Reform Efforts: A Guide for District and School Staff, (second edition) 2000
This Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) practical resource walks educators through the steps involved in planning, designing, and carrying out effective evaluations of school-level programs. The guidebook describes how to plan and prepare for an evaluation, develop evaluation questions, collect, analyze, interpret, and report data; and use findings to make improvements.

Listening to Student Voices Self-Study Toolkit - Analyzing Surveys with Kids (ASK) Student Voice Tool: Data in a Day, 2004
A step-by-step process for actively engaging students in survey analyses. Main link directs users to Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (NWREL) Listening to Student Voices home page, which includes additional tools to engage students in the school improvement/data analysis process.

Self -Assessment Instrument, 2004
The Alabama Department of Education's Professional Personnel Evaluation Program, Alabama, Principal Evaluation System Manual- (208 pages) evaluates 13 areas of required knowledge and skills. Appendices include surveys for teachers, community leaders; students and parents/guardians.