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Reallocating Resources for School Improvement
This guide provides both written and audio content from experts in the field of reallocating school and district resources. Contributors explain the context of resource reallocation at the school and district level, examine the challenges they faced in budgeting school improvement, and discuss examples of how districts and schools have overcome these barriers with good leadership and decision-making.

Allocation Anatomy: How District Policies That Deploy Resources Can Support (Or Undermine) District Reforms, 2008
This report from the School Finance Redesign Project at the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) explores the effects of mico-budgeting decisions on school districts’ improvement efforts. The author analyzes the problem of resource allocation through a framework that examines two urban districts and four school improvement strategies. The report concludes different reform strategies work better with some allocation methods, and that district leaders should consider this when allocating resources to support improvement goals.

Education Resource Management Study, Kansas, 2006
Standard & Poor’s developed this Education Resource Management Study for the state of Kansas. This study examines the resource allocation practices of all Kansas school districts and offers policymakers and state education staff a set of guiding principals for district resources allocation. The report identifies strategies “in which some school systems use their money, staff, time, and instructional programs to more cost-effectively leverage student achievement.” The report provides both qualitative and quantitative information on; organizational attributes, monetary resources, staff resources, time resources, and programmatic resources.

A Better Return on Investment: Reallocating Resources to Improve Student Achievement, 2000
This booklet from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL) focuses on the use of resource reallocation to promote standards-based reform.

District Leaders Guide to Reallocating Resources, 2001
This practical “how-to” guide from Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) is geared towards school district leaders and other practitioners interested in supporting CSR through reallocating resources. The guide looks at issues such as alignment, barriers to reallocation and solutions, promising initiatives, and the key role of the district office.

Rethinking School Resources
In this New American Schools brief, Karen Hawley Miles of Education Resource Management Strategies in Dallas, TX, presents a framework for districts and schools to use when re-examining school infrastructures to better support academic success.

Freeing School Resources for Learning: The "Missing Piece" in Making Accountability Meaningful
Dr. Karen Hawley Miles of Education Resource Management Strategies in Dallas, Texas, provides insight into how school systems nationwide are seeking to place more accountability for student performance with educators at the school level in this New American Schools brief.

Money Matters: Rethinking School and District Spending to Support Comprehensive School Reform
Dr. Karen Hawley Miles explores how both districts and schools can rethink their spending and organization to support comprehensive school reform in this New American Schools brief.

Reinvesting in Teachers: Aligning District Professional Development to Support a Strategy of Comprehensive School Reform
In this New American Schools brief, Dr. Karen Hawley Miles and Matthew Hornbeck explore options for rethinking how best to support teachers and schools in meeting higher standards.

Rethinking the Use of Educational Resources to Support Higher Student Achievement, 2000
This Critical Issue from North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL) by Dr. Karen Hawley Miles discusses how schools and districts are rethinking their use of educational resources—especially time, staffing, and money—to improve student achievement.