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1) Title: R & R in the Classroom.
Author: Combs, Barbara
Year: 1991
Publication Information: Hands On; n41 p9-12 Fall 1991
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2) Title: Race and Policy.
Author: House, Ernest R.
Year: 1999
Publication Information: Education Policy Analysis Archives; v7 n16 1999 Electronic journal available at
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3) Title: Race, Class, and Power in School Restructuring. SUNY Series, Restructuring and School Change.
Author: Lipman, Pauline
Year: 1998
Publication Information: State University of New York Press, State University Plaza, Albany, NY 12246; Internet: http// (paperback: ISBN-0-7914-3770-1; clothbound: ISBN-0-7914-3769-8) pp. 334
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4) Title: Race-Ethnicity, SES, Gender, and Language Proficiency Trends in Mathematics Achievement: An Update.
Author: Tate, William F.
Year: 1997
Publication Information: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education; v28 n6 p652-79 Dec 1997
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5) Title: Racial and Cultural Issues Related to Comprehensive School Reform: The Case of African American Males.
Author: Jordan, Will J.; Cooper, Robert
Year: 2001
Publication Information: Paper presented at the Symposium on African American Male Achievement (Washington, DC, December 4, 2000) pp. 25
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6) Title: Racial and Economic Segregation and Educational Outcomes: One Tale--Two Cities. Publication Series #95-6.
Author: Yancey, William L.; Saporito, Salvatore J.
Year: 1995
Publication Information: Paper originally presented at the Conference of the National Center on Education in the Inner Cities (Philadelphia, PA, October 14-15, 1994) pp. 34
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7) Title: Radical Education Reforms. The Series on Contemporary Educational Issues.
Author: Finn, Chester E., Jr., Ed.; Walberg, Herbert J., Ed.
Year: 1994
Publication Information: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, P.O. Box 774, 2940 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94702 pp. 221
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8) Title: Raising Academic Achievement: A Study of 20 Successful Programs.
Author: Jurich, Sonia; Estes, Steve
Year: 2000
Publication Information: American Youth Policy Forum, 1836 Jefferson Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-2505; phone: 202-775-9731; fax: 202-775-9733; email: [email protected]; web site: pp. 90
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9) Title: Raising Achievement and Reducing Gaps: Reporting Progress toward Goals for Academic Achievement in Mathematics. Lessons from the States.
Author: Barton, Paul E.
Year: 2002
Publication Information: National Education Goals Panel, 1255 22nd Street NW, Suite 502, Washington, DC 20037. Tel: 202-724-0015; Fax: 202-632-0957; e-mail: [email protected]; web site: pp. 133
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10) Title: Raising Achievement and Reducing Gaps: Reporting Progress toward Goals for Academic Achievement. A Report to the National Education Goals Panel. Lessons from the States.
Author: Barton, Paul E.
Year: 2001
Publication Information: National Education Goals Panel (ED), Washington, DC pp. 58
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11) Title: Raising Achievement of At-Risk Students--or Not.
Author: Bracey, Gerald W.
Year: 2002
Publication Information: Phi Delta Kappan; v83 n6 p431-32 Feb 2002
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12) Title: Raising Achievement Test Scores of Early Elementary School Students through Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.
Author: Sink, Christopher A.; Stroh, Heather R.
Year: 2003
Publication Information: Professional School Counseling; v6 n5 p350-64 Jun 2003
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13) Title: Raising Minority Academic Achievement: The Department of Defense Model. Pedagogical Inquiry and Praxis.
Author: Bridglall, Beatrice L.; Gordon, Edmund W.
Year: 2003
Publication Information: Pedagogical Inquiry and Praxis; n5 Sept 2003 Institute for Urban and Minority Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, Box 75, 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027. Tel: 212-678-3780; Web site:
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14) Title: Raising Non-Standardized Students to High Standards of Performance. The Editor Reflects.
Author: Erb, Tom
Year: 2003
Publication Information: Middle School Journal; v34 n4 p4 Mar 2003
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15) Title: Raising Our Sights: No High School Senior Left Behind. Final Report, National Commission on the High School Senior Year.
Author: National Commission on the High School
Year: 2001
Publication Information: Senior Year Report, The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, CN 5281, Princeton, NJ 08543-5281; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: pp. 56
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16) Title: Raising Performance Levels without Increasing Funding.
Author: Odden, Allen
Year: 1997
Publication Information: School Business Affairs; v63 n6 p4-12 Jun 1997
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17) Title: Raising School Productivity: An X-Efficiency Approach.
Author: Levine, Henry M.
Year: 1997
Publication Information: Economics of Education Review; v16 n3 p303-11 Jun 1997
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18) Title: Raising the Achievement of Low-Performing Students. Policy Brief.
Author: Goodwin, Bryan
Year: 2000
Publication Information: Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, Aurora, CO pp. 10
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19) Title: Raising the Achievement of Low-Performing Students: What High Schools Can Do.
Author: Bottoms, Gene
Year: 2002
Publication Information: Paper commissioned for "Preparing America's Future: The High School Symposium" (Washington, DC, April 4, 2002). pp. 40
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20) Title: Raising the Bar in the Middle Grades: Readiness for Success.
Author: Southern Regional Education Board
Year: 1998
Publication Information: Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GA pp. 19
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21) Title: Raising the Bar: Curricular Intensity and Academic Performance
Author: Attewell, Paul; Domina, Thurston
Year: 2008
Publication Information: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis; v.30 n.1, p51-71.
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22) Title: Raising the Standard: An Eight-Step Action Guide for Schools and Communities. A Standards Work Project of the Coalition for Goals 2000.
Author: Doyle, Denis P.; Pimentel, Susan
Year: 1997
Publication Information: Corwin Press, Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218 pp. 186
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23) Title: Rallying the Whole Village: The Comer Process for Reforming Education.
Author: Comer, James P., Ed.; And Others
Year: 1996
Publication Information: Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027 (ISBN-O-8077-3540-X, cloth; ISBN-0-8077-3539-6, paperback) pp. 185
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24) Title: Re-analysis of NAEP Math and Reading Scores in States with and without High-stakes Tests: Response to Rosenshine.
Author: Amrein-Beardsley, Audrey; Berliner, David C.
Year: 2003
Publication Information: Education Policy Analysis Archives; v11 n25 Aug 4 2003 Online journal available at:
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25) Title: Re-Visioning Teacher Education in Pennsylvania.
Author: Hawley, Willis D.; Evertson, Carolyn M.
Year: 1993
Publication Information: A policy study prepared for The Pennsylvania Academy for the Profession of Teaching pp. 141
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26) Title: Re:Learning in Pennsylvania: McCaskey High School, School District of Lancaster.
Author: Research for Better Schools, Inc.
Year: 1992
Publication Information: Research for Better Schools, Inc., Philadelphia, PA pp. 89
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27) Title: Reaching Capacity: A Blueprint for the State Role in Improving Low Performing Schools and Districts.
Author: The Rennie Center
Year: 2005
Publication Information: Boston, MA: The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy. pp. 57
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28) Title: Reaching Out: Best Practices for Educating Mexican-Origin Children and Youth.
Author: Romo, Harriett D.
Year: 1999
Publication Information: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools, Charleston, WV pp. 237
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29) Title: Reaching the Top: A Report of the National Task Force on Minority High Achievement.
Author: College Board
Year: 1999
Publication Information: College Board Publications, Box 886, New York, NY 10101-0886 (item number 201635); For full text: pp. 62
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30) Title: Readiness for CSRD.
Author: Keirstead, Carol J.
Year: 2001
Publication Information: The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education, 1730 North Lynn Street, Suite 401 Arlington, VA 22209; tel: (800) 925-3223 (703) 528-3588; fax: (703) 528-5973; e-mail: [email protected] pp. 4
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31) Title: Reading Achievement Gaps, Correlates, and Moderators of Early Reading Achievement: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) Kindergarten to First Grade Sample.
Author: Chatterji, Madhabi
Year: 2006
Publication Information: Journal of Educational Psychology; v98 n3 p489-507
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32) Title: Reading and the Native American Learner. Research Report.
Author: Bergeson, Terry; Griffin, Andrew; Hurtado, Denny
Year: 2000
Publication Information: Contact: Denny S. Hurtado, Program Supervisor, Office of Indian Education, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Old Capitol Building, P.O. Box 47200, Olympia, WA 98504-7200; phone: 360-725-6160; web site: pp. 96
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33) Title: Reading and the Native American Learner. Research Report.
Author: St. Charles, Joe; Costantino, Magda
Year: 2000
Publication Information: Washington Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia. Office of Indian Education pp. 85
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34) Title: Reading Deficiencies: A Roadblock to Success.
Author: Binotti, Jo Ann; Hamilton-Gunkel, Jo Anne; Sipple, Dorothy
Year: 2001
Publication Information: Master of Arts Action Research Project, Saint Xavier University and IRI/SkyLight Professional Development pp. 93
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35) Title: Reading First Implementation Evaluation: Interim Report.
Author: Moss, Marc; Jacob, Robin; Boulay, Beth; Horst, Megan; Poulos, Jennifer
Year: 2006
Publication Information: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service pp. 231
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36) Title: Reading Fluency as a Predictor of Reading Proficiency in Low-Performing, High-Poverty Schools
Author: Baker, Scott K.; Smolkowski, Keith; Katz, Rachell; Fien, Hank; Seeley, John R.; Kame'enui, Edward J.; Beck, Carrie T.
Year: 2008
Publication Information: School Psychology Review, v37 n1 p18-37 Spr2008.
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37) Title: Reading Next- A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy: A Report to Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Author: Biancarosa, Gina; Snow, Catherine E.
Year: 2004
Publication Information: Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education pp. 52
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38) Title: Reading Performance of Career-Bound Students: Good News and Bad News from the 1996 High Schools That Work Assessment. Research Brief.
Author: Bottoms, Gene; Creech, Betty
Year: 1997
Publication Information: Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GA pp. 6
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39) Title: Reading Programs for Students in the Lower Elementary Grades: What Does the Research Say?
Author: Briggs, Kerri L.; Clark, Catherine
Year: 1997
Publication Information: Texas Center for Educational Research, Austin. Junior Great Books Program; Reading Recovery Projects; Success for All Program; Writing to Read Program pp. 48
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40) Title: Reading Programs That Work: A Review of Programs from Pre-Kindergarten to 4th Grade.
Author: Schacter, John
Year: 2000
Publication Information: Milken Family Foundation; 1250 Fourth Street, 4th Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90401-1353; tel: 310-570-4800; fax: 310-570-4801; web-site: http:/ pp. 72
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41) Title: Reading Recovery and the At-Risk First Grade Students.
Author: Munoz, Marco A.
Year: 1999
Publication Information: University of Louisville pp. 16
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42) Title: Reading Recovery. [Fact Sheets].
Author: Reading Recovery Council of North America
Year: 2000
Publication Information: Reading Recovery Council of North America, Columbus, OH pp. 31
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43) Title: Reading Resource Guide.
Author: Ballinger, Mary F.
Year: 1999
Publication Information: Resources in Education (RIE). Check for full text in ERIC pp. 30
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44) Title: Reading Taught to the Tune of the 'Scientific' Hickory Stick.
Author: Coles, Gerald
Year: 2001
Publication Information: Phi Delta Kappan; v83 n3 p204-12 Nov 2001
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45) Title: Reading: Know What Works. A Practical Guide for Educators. National Reading Panel Update.
Author: National Institute for Literacy
Year: 2001
Publication Information: National Institute for Literacy, 1775 I St., NW, Ste. 730, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: 202-233-2025; Fax: 202-233-2051; Web site: pp. 43
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46) Title: Realizing a Vision for Children, Families, and Neighborhoods: An Alternative to Other Modest Proposals.
Author: Bruner, Charles
Year: 1996
Publication Information: Child and Family Policy Center, Fleming Building, Suite 1021, 218 Sixth Avenue, Des Mooines, IA 50309-4006 pp. 73
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47) Title: Realizing New Learning for All Students: A Framework for the Professional Development of Kentucky Teachers.
Author: McDiarmid, G. Williamson
Year: 1994
Publication Information: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning, East Lansing, MI.; Partnership for Kentucky School Reform, Lexington. Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC pp. 66
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48) Title: Reallocating Resources: How To Boost Student Achievement without Asking for More.
Author: Odden, Allan; Archibald, Sarah
Year: 2000
Publication Information: Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. pp. 120
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49) Title: Reasons for Hope, Voices for Change: A Report on Public Engagement for Public Education.
Author: Annenberg Inst. for School Reform
Year: 1998
Publication Information: Annenberg Inst. for School Reform, Brown University, Box 1984, Providence, RI 02912 pp. 88
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50) Title: Rebuilding Organizational Capacity in Turnaround Schools: Insights from the Corporate, Government, and Non-Profit Sector
Author: Murphy, Joseph; Meyers, Coby V.
Year: 2009
Publication Information: Educational Management Administration & Leadership, v37 n1 p9-27
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