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  • Title: Educator and Administrator Perceptions of the Impact of No Child Left Behind on Special Populations

    Author: Vannest, Kimberly J.; Mahadevan, Lakshmi; Mason, Benjamin A.; Temple-Harvey, Kimberly K.

    Year: 2009

    Publication Information: Remedial and Special Education, v30 n3 p148-159

    ERIC number: EJ839022

    Abstract: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) seeks to address the inequality in schools and to correct achievement disparities prevalent in education, but little is known of NCLB's effect on students in special education. This study assesses the impact of NCLB on special education by asking educators, administrators, and staff who serve students in special education about their perceptions of the impact of NCLB for students with disabilities. Survey responses were received from 248 respondents across the state of Texas. Findings include positive perceptions of changes related to accountability, teacher qualifications, and evidence-based practices; negative perceptions related to assessment; and perceptions of no changes in relationships and communication with parents or freedom for states and communities. (Copyright permission on file)

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